Priestly Ordinations: Template

Priestly Ordinations: Template

Please pray for the five deacons to be ordained to the Sacred Priesthood this month:

Rev. Mr. John Killackey, FSSP Rev. Mr. Jesus Valenzuela, FSSP Rev. Mr. Ralph Oballo, FSSP Rev. Mr. Daniel Powers, FSSP Rev. Mr. Luc Poirier, FSSP

Four will be ordained by the Most Reverend Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, on Friday, May 24, 10 am. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at the Newman Center for the University of Nebraska. Rev. Mr. Luc Poirier FSSP will be ordained on Friday May 31st at 7 pm. by the Most Reverend Terrence Prendergast, Archbishop of Ottawa at Notre Dame Cathedral in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The newly ordained priests will celebrate their first Masses at these locations:

Rev. Mr. John Killackey Saturday, May 25 at 10:30am at St. Francis Church, Lincoln, NE

Rev. Mr. Jesus Valenzuela Saturday, May 25 at 11: 30am at the Chapel of Ss. Peter and Paul, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, Denton NE  Rev. Mr. Ralph Oballo, FSSP Saturday, May 25 at 9:00am at the Chapel of Ss. Peter and Paul, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, Denton NE Rev. Mr. Daniel Powers, FSSP Saturday, May 25 at 8:00am at the Carmel of Valparaiso (9300 Agnew Road Valparaiso, NE 68065) Rev. Mr. Luc Poirier FSSP Saturday June 1st at 9:00 a.m. at Saint Clement, at Saint Anne Church, Ottawa, Canada
Holy Week: April 14-21, 2019

Holy Week: April 14-21, 2019

While many of the Seminarians leave for the Sacred Triduum to assist at FSSP Apostolates across North America, about one third of the student body remains at the Seminary.  In addition to all of the more prominent liturgical ceremonies, the Seminarians and Priests also chant Tenebrae each morning during the Triduum. While it is a very busy time, it is also a time of great grace at the Seminary, culminating in the joy of Easter.

Diaconate Ordinations: March 30, 2019

Diaconate Ordinations: March 30, 2019

We give thanks to God for the nine men ordained the Diaconate on Saturday, March 30th. His Excellency, Joseph Perry, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, conferred the Sacrament upon these men within the celebration of a Solemn Pontifical Mass. Seven men were ordained deacons for the Fraternity of St. Peter, and two for the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, from Papa Stronsay, Scotland.

After Vespers on the evening before, the seven Fraternity seminarians were permanently incorporated in to the Fraternity of Saint Peter, publicly reciting their solemn promises of fidelity to the FSSP and the celibate life.

Please continue to pray for these men as they near the end of their studies at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, and prepare for ordination to the Sacred Priesthood.

Feast of St. Joseph: March 19, 2019

In keeping the First Class Feast of St. Joseph, seminarians put their baking skills to the test to create a delicious spread of desserts. This project follows the traditional Italian way of keeping this feast, by constructing a St. Joseph’s table and covering it with a bounteous supply of goodies for all to enjoy. St. Joseph, Pray for us!

Ash Wednesday: March 6, 2019

Ash Wednesday: March 6, 2019

To begin the liturgical season of Lent, priests and seminarians gathered in the seminary chapel on Ash Wednesday morning to assist at the blessing and distribution of ashes. The ashes come from the burning of the palms from the previous Palm Sunday. They are put on the heads of all present as a reminder of what God told Adam in the Book of Genesis: “Remember man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.”

Mardi Gras: March 5, 2019

Mardi Gras: March 5, 2019

Seminarians and priests gathered on the evening of Mardi Gras for food and festivities. The vocal and instrumental skill displayed in the talent show that evening were especially impressive. The celebration of Mardi Gras is a popular one at the Seminary and is always a joyful evening of talent and laughs before beginning the austerities of Lent.