by tobainc | Sep 14, 2019 | News
Shortly after the beginning of the new semester at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, the Seminary’s Faculty and Staff join the priests and seminarians for a special dinner. This year the dinner was entirely prepared and served by seminarians, from the appetizers to the dessert. It was a great opportunity for the seminarians to put their culinary skills to the test, in order to show their appreciation for their dedicated staff and faculty.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary is blessed with many outstanding faculty members who make the formation of our seminarians possible. In addition, a small yet hardworking staff keep the entire seminary running, from the business manager to the chefs. Please keep them all in your prayers so that they may continue to be a part of the formation of Fraternity seminarians for years to come.
by tobainc | Aug 25, 2019 | News
To begin the Fall Semester at the Seminary, the Priests and Seminarians had the privilege of welcoming Fr. Janosch Donner, F.S.S.P. for a First Mass in the Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul. Fr. Donner, who was ordained this past June in Bavaria, completed most of his studies for the priesthood at the Fraternity’s seminary in Wigratzbad. Last Fall, however, he studied for a few months at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary as a deacon. It was therefore a joyful occasion for all the seminarians to welcome back their confrere as a priest.
In the months following their ordination, many new priests in the Fraternity will say a series of First Masses in different locations important to them.
The seminary is very grateful to Fr. Donner for coming back to Nebraska. Please keep Fr. Donner in your prayers as he begins his work in Europe as a priest in the Fraternity of St. Peter.
by tobainc | May 31, 2019 | News
We give thanks to God on the occasion of the Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood of Fr. Luc Poirier by the Most Reverend Terrence Prendergast, Archbishop of Ottawa. In addition to a number of priests and seminarians from the Seminary traveling to Ottawa for the ceremony, three of Fr. Poirier’s classmates recently ordained in Nebraska attended. During the Ordination, these newly ordained priests, along with the Bishop and the other attending priests, conferred the form of the Sacrament upon their classmate through the laying on of hands. This ceremony is a powerful symbol of the unity of the Priesthood and particular joyous one for our new priests at the climax of their seminary career.
Please pray for Fr. Poirier as he begins his priestly duties that he may serve God as a worthy and holy priest.
by tobainc | May 24, 2019 | News
We give thanks to God for the four new priests ordained on May 24th by His Excellency Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of Lincoln. As priestly ordination is the culmination and final goal of each seminarian’s time at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, these priestly ordinations are not only a most joyful time for the new priests but also a great inspiration for all of the seminarians. We are especially grateful to all those who traveled to Lincoln to celebrate this joyous occasion.
As these new priests begin their work in apostolates across Canada, Mexico, and the United States, please keep them in your prayers that they may be holy and worthy priests.
by tobainc | May 13, 2019 | News
To celebrate Mother’s Day every year at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, the Seminarians and Priests accompany the crowning of Mary’s statue with the Litany of Loreto and Marian hymns during the procession to the statue. The daughter of one of the Seminary’s faculty crowned the statue Our Lady of Guadalupe just inside the main door of the Seminary. Mary our Mother, Pray for us!
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by tobainc | May 8, 2019 | News
After the Spring District Priestly Meeting at the nearby retreat center at Waverly, the Priests of the North American District joined the Seminarians for Vespers at the Seminary.