Our Seminary Schola joining Dr. Paul Barnes’ concert

Our Seminary Schola joining Dr. Paul Barnes’ concert

Celebrating his twenty-fifth year at the Glenn Korff School of Music, pianist and chanter Paul Barnes returns to the Lied Center for Performing Arts to present a contemplative and cathartic program of piano works inspired by the mystical world of Native American, Greek, Jewish, and Latin chant.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Schola will join Dr. Barnes of the University of Nebraska music department in concert on September 24, 2020.  The concert draws heavily on Christian themes from both the East and West.   The seminarians will sing before the performance of Franz Liszt’s late piano solo masterpiece, Via Crucis.   

The event is free and open to the public in addition to being live streamed.  Please find more information at https://www.liedcenter.org/event/paul-barnes-0

Mardi Gras: March 5, 2019

Mardi Gras: March 5, 2019

Seminarians and priests gathered on the evening of Mardi Gras for food and festivities. The vocal and instrumental skill displayed in the talent show that evening were especially impressive. The celebration of Mardi Gras is a popular one at the Seminary and is always a joyful evening of talent and laughs before beginning the austerities of Lent.

Feast of the Purification: February 2, 2019

Feast of the Purification: February 2, 2019

Every year for the Feast of Our Lady’s Purification, OLGS keeps the tradition of the blessing of candles before the Mass. The celebrant, Fr. Lillard, blessed the candles to be used throughout the year, and then distributed small candles to be held by the seminarians in a brief procession around the chapel and during certain parts of the Mass. Among other things, the lit candles are a reminder of the Canticle that Simeon proclaimed in the feast’s Gospel, saying that Our Lord is a “light to the revelation of the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.”

Opening Retreat: August 26-31, 2018

Opening Retreat: August 26-31, 2018

Returning seminarians traveled back to the seminary to be present on Saturday evening, August 25. To begin the new academic year, all the seminarians took park in a week-long silent retreat led by Fr. Anthony Mastroeni. Priests and seminarians thank him for traveling out to OLGS to help the seminarians in their recollection and preparation for the coming year.

Please also keep in your prayers the 15 men who arrived at the seminary on Thursday, Sept 6 to begin their first year of formation for the priesthood.  Fr. James Buckley, who has always given the open retreat to first year seminarians of OLGS, traveled out to the seminary to give them St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises.