Subdiaconate Ordinations: February 8, 2020

Subdiaconate Ordinations: February 8, 2020

The Seminary and the entire Fraternity rejoices at the ordination of seven men to the Subdiaconate on February 8th by His Excellency Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of Lincoln. The ceremony is truly the first big step that these young men take towards the priesthood; in fact, the ceremonies of the Church make this spiritual step explicit by the bishop’s call to the candidates to take a step forward if they are willing to dedicate their lives to the Church. Immediately after making this step, the ordinandi prostrate for the recitation of the litany of the Saints, in which all those present kneel and beseech the heavenly assembly to pray that these men be faithful in the service of God.

Please pray for the seven Subdeacons as they prepare for their ordination to the Diaconate on March 28th. 

Feast of the Purification: February 2, 2020

Feast of the Purification: February 2, 2020

To close the Christmas Season, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary celebrated the Feast of the Purification of Our Lady with the blessing of candles and procession preceding the Mass. The candles were also held during certain parts of the Solemn Mass, such as during the Gospel and Preface. The candles represent Christ, the Light of the World, whom Simeon proclaimed in the Temple as  “a light to the revelation of the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.”

Mundelein Basketball Tournament: January 17-19, 2020

Mundelein Basketball Tournament: January 17-19, 2020

To open the Spring Semester, the Basketball team of OLGS  traveled to Mundelein Seminary to defend their title at the Annual Father Pat O’Malley Invitational Basketball Tournament. The tournament brings in over 15 seminaries from across the country to put their basketball skills to the test. Battling through a tough line-up of teams, OLGS again won the tournament, making them the first team in ten years to win back to back tournaments. Thanks to a video live-stream, the seminarians and priests back in Denton were able to cheer on their team during the weekend and witness the big victory.

See the link below to see the recording of the Final Game and trophy presentation.       Mundelein Tournament


Christmas: December 25, 2019

Christmas: December 25, 2019

The Seminary celebrated the Feast of the Nativity with due solemnity, beginning with the anticipation of Matins the night of Christmas Eve, just before the celebration of the Midnight Mass. A Sung Mass at dawn was followed by a Solemn High Mass towards noon, in keeping with the tradition of celebrating three Masses on Christmas Day. The Feast was liturgically crowned by Solemn Vespers with six coped assistants. 

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: December 12, 2019

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: December 12, 2019

On December 12th, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary celebrated its Patronal Feast with great joy and solemnity. The festivities began the evening prior when the Seminarians sang a Serenade in honor of Our Lady from 8pm until midnight. This beloved tradition stems from the days of persecution in Mexico when faithful Catholics would sing to Our Lady through the doors of the churches closed by the Mexican Government. 

In the morning the community gathered for a Solemn High Mass said by the Rector Fr. Josef Bisig, which was followed by a procession around the chapel. The procession ended in front of the beautifully decorated image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, where the entire Seminary, led by the Rector, made an Act of Consecration to her. 

The day’s festivities however, had only begun. In the evening, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary was joined by St. Gregory the Great Seminary for Pontifical Vespers and Benediction, celebrated by His Excellency James Conley, Bishop of Lincoln. Bishop Emeritus Robert Finn was also present in choir. Fireworks and a traditional Mexican party followed. 

The priests and seminarians of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary are very grateful to Bishop Conley for celebrating this special feast day with us before taking medical leave of absence. He will be especially in our prayers and intentions until he returns to the Lincoln Diocese. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe   Pray For Us!