Christmas: December 25, 2020

Christmas: December 25, 2020

Seminarians decorate OLGS to usher in the birth of our Lord. Midnight Mass was celebrated by our rector,  Fr. Josef Bisig with a “gaudeamus” (drinks and caroling) following.

Let us rejoice in the coming of our Savior and pray for a joyful Christmas season. Divine Babe of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts!

Sung Mass Guide Release

Sung Mass Guide Release

In our effort to continue to provide resources for Gregorian chant we have just released a comprehensive guide for the sung Mass. Here, you will find the chant scores for the Mass divided into both the parts for the priest and the parts for the Schola.


 From the ‘Asperges‘ all the way to the ‘Ite Missa est,’ everything is included in this guide. Please feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions or additions you would like to see using our contact form and selecting “website feedback” as the category.

We kindly give thanks to Corpus Christi Watershed and to the St. Benedict Tridentine Catholic Community for their help.
This Sung Mass Guide is still in its early days, so more content will be arriving in the near future.

Minor Orders: November 21, 2020

Minor Orders: November 21, 2020

Last November 21st, on the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, His Excellency Bishop Robert Finn celebrated a Pontifical Mass and ordained 18 seminarians to minor orders; 11 seminarians to the minor orders of exorcist and acolyte and 7 to the minor orders of lector and porter.

The ceremony was held in private due to the current directives, with only close family members attending.

We thank again His Excellency Bishop Finn, and we ask for your continual prayers for all the Ordinati.

Exorcist and lector

  • Mr. Jeremy Chua, FSSP
  • Mr. Stephen Wetzel, FSSP
  • Mr. Anthony Fill, FSSP
  • Mr. Brian Myers, FSSP
  • Mr. Matthew Kane, FSSP
  • Mr. Jacob Kasak, FSSP
  • Mr. Benjamin Feuerborn, FSSP
  • Mr. Joseph Duffy, FSSP
  • Mr. Christopher Eichman, FSSP
  • Mr. Charles Ohotnicky, FSSP

Porter and Lector

  • Mr. Matthew Jagas, FSSP
  • Mr. Daniel Mellino, FSSP
  • Mr.Ronald McCann, FSSP
  • Mr. Michael Caughey, FSSP
  • Mr. Steven Kalinowski, FSSP
  • Mr. Toan Cao, FSSP
  • Mr. John-Francis Sulzen, FSSP
Minor Orders to be held in private ceremony

Minor Orders to be held in private ceremony

This Saturday, November 21st, 18 candidates will receive the minor orders of Porter, Lector, Exorcist and Acolyte, which will be conferred by his Excellency Bishop Robert Finn.

The ceremony will take place in the Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary.  Because of new restrictions due to the current situation, attendance will be limited to immediate family of the Ordinandi, and there will be no public reception afterward.

The ceremony, however, will be broadcast live on LiveMass for all those unable to attend. The ceremony will begin at 10:00am CST but the livestream will start about ten minutes beforehand.

We will provide further updates for future ordinations as they draw nearer.

May God bless you, and please pray for the ordinandi.

First Clerical Tonsure: October 24, 2020

First Clerical Tonsure: October 24, 2020

On Saturday the 24th of October, the Feast of Saint Raphael the Archangel, eighteen men received their First Clerical Tonsure at the hands of His Excellency, Bishop Robert Finn, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Kansas City – Saint Joseph.

The Fraternity expresses thanksgiving to God as well as to His Excellency for this gift to their newly incorporated members, who had been recently incorporated on the previous Sunday, October 18th, the Feast of Saint Luke. This year, the ceremony was live-streamed on, as there was not an opportunity for many guests to come.

In the tonsure ceremony, the candidates receive for their first time the black roman cassock and the white surplice, as well as the privilege of sitting in choir with the rest of the tonsured clerics. Please pray for these men as they continue on their journey in pursuit of the sacred priesthood, that they may be faithful to the graces God gives them in this time.