Minor Rogation Day: May 10th, 2021

Minor Rogation Day: May 10th, 2021

Today, we begin to celebrate the three Minor Rogation Days before the Ascension. Rogation Days are traditionally days of prayer and fasting, instituted by the Church to appease God’s anger at Man’s transgressions, to ask protection in calamities, and to obtain a good and bountiful harvest. 

The priests and seminarians of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary first sang the Litany of the Saints inside Ss. Peter & Paul Chapel, then processed outside to the Eastern gardens. There, we blessed our fields, beseeching God to grant us a fruitful harvest both materially and spiritually.

May Crowning: May 9th, 2021

May Crowning: May 9th, 2021

We celebrate this Marian month of May with the crowning of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s statue, prominently displayed in the entrance of our seminary. We honor Mary, the Mother of God, as Queen of Heaven and Earth.

One of the First Communicants from our local parish, St. Francis of Assisi, bore the crown, which was blessed and then placed upon Our Lady.

May we all trust in Our Lady and her unfailing intercession all the more – this month, and every month!

Diaconate 2021 to be held in private ceremony

Diaconate 2021 to be held in private ceremony

Next Saturday, March 13th, eight seminarians will be ordained to the Diaconate, which will be conferred by his Excellency Joseph Strickland, Bishop of Tyler Texas.

The ceremony will take place in the Cathedral of the Risen Christ, Lincoln, Nebraska.  There will be no public reception afterward.

Next Saturday, March 13th, eight seminarians will be ordained to the Diaconate, which will be conferred by his Excellency Joseph Strickland, Bishop of Tyler Texas.


The ceremony will take place in the Cathedral of the Risen Christ, Lincoln, Nebraska.  There will be no public reception afterward.






Live stream options








The ceremony, however, will be broadcast live on LiveMass for all those unable to attend. The ceremony will begin at 10:00am CST but the livestream will start about ten minutes beforehand.





The stream will also be available in youtube, follow this link.





We will provide further updates for future ordinations as they draw nearer.





May God bless you, and please pray for the ordinandi.



    • Jared D. Leonard FSSP 



    • Noel A. Soares FSSP



    • David J. Lopez FSSP



    • David M. Ramirez FSSP



    • Kent R. Grealy FSSP



    • Edgar A. Ramirez FSSP



    • Elijah Mundattuchundayil FSSP



    • Cidrian T. Cortes FSSP




Live stream options


The ceremony, however, will be broadcast live on LiveMass for all those unable to attend. The ceremony will begin at 10:00am CST but the livestream will start about ten minutes beforehand.

The stream will also be available in youtube, follow this link.

We will provide further updates for future ordinations as they draw nearer.

May God bless you, and please pray for the ordinandi.

    • Jared D. Leonard FSSP



    • Noel A. Soares FSSP



    • David J. Lopez FSSP



    • David M. Ramirez FSSP



    • Kent R. Grealy FSSP



    • Edgar A. Ramirez FSSP



    • Elijah Mundattuchundayil FSSP



    • Cidrian T. Cortes FSSP
Diaconate Front Small<br />
diaconate back small

Subdiaconate: February 6, 2021

Subdiaconate: February 6, 2021

We were blessed to have Archbishop Cordileone ordain eight men to the Subdiaconate on February 6, at Saints Peter and Paul Chapel at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary. These men have signified their full embracing of the sacred ministry by stepping forward in the presence of the Archbishop, the successor of the Apostles, and Christ’s representative. The Subdeacons have answered Christ’s call and have left everything to follow Him. They have said “yes” to their vocation. They will be ordained to the Diaconate in just over a month. Please keep them in your prayers!

SubDiaconate 2021 to be held in private ceremony

Next Saturday, February 6th, nine seminarians will be ordained to the Subdiaconate, which will be conferred by his Excellency Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco.

The ceremony will take place in the Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary.  Attendance will be limited to immediate family of the Ordinandi and there will be no public reception afterward.


The ceremony, however, will be broadcast live on LiveMass for all those unable to attend. The ceremony will begin at 10:00am CST but the livestream will start about ten minutes beforehand.

We will provide further updates for future ordinations as they draw nearer.

May God bless you, and please pray for the ordinandi.

  • Elijah Mundattuchundayil FSSP
  • Cidrian T. Cortes FSSP
  • Jared D. Leonard FSSP
  • Noel A. Soares FSSP
  • David J. Lopez FSSP
  • David M. Ramirez FSSP
  • Kent R. Grealy FSSP
  • Edgar A. Ramirez FSSP