Vespers at the Cathedral of St. Cecilia in Omaha: October 16th, 2022

Vespers at the Cathedral of St. Cecilia in Omaha: October 16th, 2022

We were invited to sing Solemn Vespers at the Omaha Cathedral and happily accepted this neat opportunity.  A sizeable crowd of locals attended the event.  All seemed to appreciate the experience.  For our part, we certainly enjoyed singing and praying in such an impressive church; the architecture and music so clearly compliment one another.  It was really wonderful!  A big thank you to the Diocese of Omaha for their hospitality!  

Rapid City Ausflug: September 26th & 27th, 2022

Rapid City Ausflug: September 26th & 27th, 2022

We seminarians enjoyed a fall “Ausflug” (German for “vacation”) to Rapid City, SD. We spent time at our local parish, Immaculate Conception (the parishioners were wonderfully hospitable), and ventured into the Black Hills for some hiking (the views were stunning). It was a full and exciting weekend: The Badlands, Vespers, three Solemn High Masses, a couple hikes, a parish picnic, a few quiet evenings at the diocesan retreat center, and an afternoon of freedom to explore the area.

We are very grateful for all those whose efforts made this trip possible, especially the many generous parishioners of Immaculate Conception and Father Bartholomew, the pastor. I can happily say that everyone has high hopes of returning next year for another visit!

Priestly Ordinations: May 27th, 2022

Priestly Ordinations: May 27th, 2022

This year, the priestly ordinations for the members of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter studying at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary will be held on May 27th, the Friday after the Ascension, at 10:00 AM. The ordinations will be at North American Martyrs Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, and the order will be conferred by His Excellency Archbishop Thomas Edward Gullickson.

We are grateful to His Excellency for his gracious assistance on this happy occasion as he ordains seven of our deacons to the sacred priesthood. We also offer our thanks to Father Connor, pastor of North American Martyrs, for allowing us the use of his parish for this event. All are welcome to attend the ceremony but the reception will be reserved for the friends and family of the ordinands only. Please pray for our deacons as we approach this time of Pentecost, that the Holy Ghost will fill them with His Gifts and Fruits, and help them to always be good and holy priests.

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