Minor Ordinations: November 17, 2018

Minor Ordinations: November 17, 2018

We give thanks to God for the men who received minor orders on Saturday, November 17, 2018.  His Excellency, Robert Finn, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph, came to the Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary to confer the ordinations during a Solemn Pontifical Mass.

Eleven men in their third year of studies received the first two orders of Porter and Lector, and ten men in their fourth year received the next two orders of Exorcist and Acolyte.  Please continue to pray for these men as they continue in their discernment and formation for the holy Priesthood.

All Souls’ Day: November 2, 2018

All Souls’ Day: November 2, 2018

After celebrating the Feast of All Saints the day before, priests and seminarians observed the Commemoration of All Souls the next day.  The seminarians started the day with one of the seminary priests offering three Masses in the morning for the souls of the faithful departed.  As is the custom at OLGS, the seminarians and priests met in the seminary graveyard for the Office midday prayer.

From November 1-8, the Church has granted to the faithful the privilege of gaining one plenary indulgence for the Holy Souls in Purgatory each day simply by going to a graveyard and praying, even if only mentally, for the Holy Souls.  If it is at all possible during this week, let us try to take advantage of this privilege so as to release as many souls as possible from Purgatory into Heaven.

Conferral of First Tonsure: October 20, 2018

Conferral of First Tonsure: October 20, 2018

We give thanks to God for the fourteen men who received their first clerical tonsure on October 20, 2018.  His Excellency, Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Lincoln, came to Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary to confer the tonsure.

Please continue to pray for these men as they continue in their discernment and formation for the holy priesthood.

FSSP 30th Anniversary: October 18, 2018

FSSP 30th Anniversary: October 18, 2018

The Fraternity of St. Peter celebrated its 30th anniversary of establishment as a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right by the Ecclesia Dei commission.  To celebrate the occasion at the seminary, OLGS invited His Excellency, Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Lincoln, to come and celebrate a Solemn Pontifical Mass in the seminary chapel.

In addition to enjoying a day off from classes and celebrating the occasion with a big dinner, the priests and seminarians welcomed the fourteen second year seminarians as new members of the FSSP when, after Vespers, they made their temporary commitment to the observance of the FSSP’s Constitutions.   All other temporary members also renewed their commitment on that day as well.  The fourteen men who made their first temporary incorporation will receive their first clerical tonsure on the following Saturday.

The 30th anniversary of the FSSP is an occasion for us all to thank God for the many blessings He has given to Fraternity over the years and to pray earnestly for His continued guidance and grace in the years ahead.  It is also a good opportunity for us to thank all of the many benefactors who have offered their prayers and support over the years to help in the Fraternity’s development.

Conception Seminary Soccer & Volleyball Tournament: October 13-14, 2018

Conception Seminary Soccer & Volleyball Tournament: October 13-14, 2018

Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary participated in the annual soccer and volleyball tournament hosted by Conception Abbey Seminary in Conception, MO.  Six other seminaries from across the Midwest also came to compete.

The OLGS soccer team played St. John Vianney Theological Seminary from Denver, CO on Saturday.  Though the team went down a goal early in the first half, OLGS came back strong in the second half to score three goals and win the game 3-1.  This qualified OLGS for the final the next morning.

Before that, however, the OLGS volleyball team went to play in the volleyball tournament held in the Conception Seminary gymnasium on Saturday evening.  The team fought hard in all their games, and barely lost a game that could have got them into the final.  Though this was not their year, the volleyball team make improvements every year and will hopefully soon clinch the trophy.

The next morning, after an early Mass said by the soccer team coach Fr. Guichard, the soccer team again assembled out on the field to play the final against Kenrick-Glennon Seminary.  Both teams played a strong first half, each having opportunities to score; but the score remained 0-0 when half time was called.  Early in the second half, Kenrick scored to pull ahead.  Shortly after, however, OLGS answered with another three goals to make the score 3-1 at the final whistle.  This was the second time OLGS has won the Conception Abbey Soccer Tournament.