Rorate Mass: December 7, 2019

Rorate Mass: December 7, 2019

In the early morning of a Saturday during Advent, the Seminary celebrates a candlelit Votive Mass of Our Lady as the sun rises. This year it coincided with the First Saturday of December, and gave a special opportunity for the seminarians to offer this special Mass in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady. The candlelit aspect adds a veil of mystery and silence to the Mass, and serves as a reminder to us, who live in the age of electricity, of the ages in the Church when all light came from candles.

40 Hours Devotion: November 30-December 2, 2019

40 Hours Devotion: November 30-December 2, 2019

To begin the Advent Season, the Seminary celebrated the 40 Hours Devotion, from Saturday evening until the Monday following the 1st Sunday of Advent. This Eucharistic devotion provided an opportunity for the entire Seminary community to begin the new Liturgical Year with a renewed emphasis upon Our Eucharistic Lord and His abiding Presence with us. It was also a fitting beginning as a preparation for Our Lord’s birth at Christmas.

Buckley Bowl: November 28, 2019

Buckley Bowl: November 28, 2019

One of the Seminary’s favorite Thanksgiving traditions is the playing of the Buckley Bowl football game. Named for Fr. James Buckley, a long time professor at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, this intramural football game as been played each year for over 20 years. This year the snow began flying as the game began, and with a small dusting already on the ground, it had all the elements of a winter football classic. While a majority of the seminarians play in the game, more come to watch, drink hot apple cider, and enjoy the company of their confreres. 

Minor Orders: November 23, 2019

Minor Orders: November 23, 2019

Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary rejoices on the occasion of 20 men being ordained to the Minor Orders of Porter, Lector, Exorcist, and Acolyte by His Excellency Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of Lincoln on November 23rd. 12 men were ordained to the Minor Orders of Porter and Lector and 8 to the Minor orders of Exorcist and Acolyte.  These Minor Orders mark the first steps which the seminarians take towards the priesthood, in which they are given specific duties in service of the Church. More importantly however, they are also called to become the friends of Christ in a more profound way, as the words of the Bishop’s admonition repeatedly emphasize. One passage from the admonition to the men about to be ordained Lectors beautifully sums up this call to a deeper spiritual life:

Quod autem ore legitis, corde credatis, atque opere compleatis

“What you read with your lips, believe in your hearts and fulfill by your works”

Please continue to keep these men in your prayers as they continue their studies in preparation for the Sacred Priesthood.

All Souls Day: November 2, 2019

All Souls Day: November 2, 2019

Keeping All Souls Day at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary is marked by a special liturgical intensity. The day begins with a Sung Requiem Mass finishing with absolution over the catafalque. Then follows two Low Requiem Masses. All Souls Day is one of the two days throughout the liturgical year, the other being Christmas,  on which a priest may have the privilege of celebrating three Masses. 

At noon, the Seminarians take a very short walk to the Seminary’s own cemetery on the grounds, where they pray the hour of Sext from the Office of the Dead. Two Fraternity priests are currently buried in the cemetery: Fr. Kenneth Walker and Fr. Nicholas Zolnerowicz. This tradition is not only in keeping with the focus of this day but also serves as a poignant reminder to all of us of the fleetingness of this life and that our destiny lies in eternity. 

Réquiem ætérnam dona eis, Dómine: et lux perpétua lúceat eis.

Requiéscant in pace. Amen.