Minor Orders: November 18th, 2023
Congratulations to the ordinati on receiving the Minor Orders!
Minor Orders: November 18th, 2023
On November 18th, 2023, in the seminary chapel of Saints Peter and Paul, Bishop Emeritus Fabian...
The Commemoration of All Souls: November 2nd, 2023
From the Commemoration of all our faithful departed. Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine, et lux...
Tonsure: October 21st, 2023
Congratulations to all of our newly-tonsured seminarians!
Staff Dinner: September 16th, 2023
From the yearly “Staff-Dinner” held Saturday, September 16th. A great way to kick off the new...
Candlemas: February 2nd, 2023
The Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, complete with the blessing of candles,...
Subdiaconate Ordination: February 11th, 2023
At 10am Central Time, Saturday, February 11, 2023, we will be blessed to witness the ordination of...
Ash Wednesday: February 22nd, 2023
The Feast of the Chair of St. Peter: February 23nd, 2023
With Ash Wednesday falling on the 22nd, we celebrated our patronal feast the day following. St....
Seminary Outing to Denver Colorado: March 4th, 2023
From the Seminary’s outing to the city of Denver, Colorado, where the seminarians were generously...
Dumb Ox Quiz Bowl: March 19th, 2023
Here's a glimpse at the Dumb Ox Quiz Bowl, an annual event by which we celebrate the Angelic...
Diaconate Ordination: March 25th, 2023
On Saturday, March 25th, the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we packed into...
May Crowning: May 14th, 2023
From the May Crowning ceremonies on Mother's day, 2023. May the Most Holy Virgin intercede for all...
Priestly Ordination: May 26th, 2023
We ended the 2022-2023 academic year with the ordination of three of our deacons to the...
Rogation procession and mass: April 25th, 2023
Below are photos from the procession and Mass for the Major Rogation Day at the seminary, complete...
The Nativity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ: December 25, 2022
Gaudete, quoniam Christus est natus! From the liturgies of Christmas day at Our Lady of Guadalupe...
Our Lady of Guadalupe: December 12th, 2022
It's one of the biggest days of the year for us here at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary! We enjoyed...
Immaculate Conception Solemn High Mass at the Carmel: December 8th, 2022
We celebrated a wonderful Solemn High Mass at the the Carmel for the Feast of the Immaculate...