On November 18th, 2023, in the seminary chapel of Saints Peter and Paul, Bishop Emeritus Fabian Bruskewitz will ordain 24 seminarians, conferring upon them the minor orders of acolyte, exorcist, lector, and porter. Please keep the following seminarians in your prayers as they take on this important step in their journeys towards the priesthood.

Those receiving the orders of Porter and Lector:

  • Alfante, Israel
  • Davis, Matthew
  • Eggers, Thomas
  • Fernandez, Jr., Jose
  • George, Andrew
  • Godfrey, Harrison
  • Jurkoic, Jacob
  • Kubasiak, Szymon
  • Mathews, Clay
  • Ng, Ryan
  • Prezzia, David
  • Sontz, Sean
  • Specht, Joseph
  • Zaporski, Kevin

Those receiving the orders of Exorcist and Acolyte:

  • Becker, Robert
  • Brown, Alexander
  • Calderon, Sean
  • D’Amato, Brendan
  • Falciano, John
  • Lesinski, Matthew
  • Mellino, Daniel
  • Rumore, Dominic
  • Sievek, Jacob
  • Torres Gonzalez, Rodrigo